Our Crest
Our parish crest has been created to reflect the mission of our parish and preparatory school. In times past, crests were carried to identify kingdoms and families on standards, banners, flags and armor. In our time, crests symbolize the identity and work of the community they represent.
Our Mission – Opus Christi
Opus Christi is Latin for Christ’s Work which is our mission as disciples. Jesus said to our parish patron St. Philip, “Whoever believes in me will do the work I do an even greater works.” John 14:12. We are created, gifted and commissioned to continue Christ’s ministry as faithful stewards.
The Triangle
The triangle evokes the unity and relationship of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At the heart of the symbol is a heart shape reminding us that, “God is love.”
1 John 4:8.
At the heart of our mission is our Lord’s great command,
“Love one another as I have loved you.” John 13:34. Our work
is to experience and share God’s love in word and deed.
The keys joined to the heart represent the Keys to the Kingdom which are promised to St. Peter and to the community of the Church when Jesus said, “I will give you the Keys to the Kingdom.” Matthew 16:19. We are focusing on the ways that we learn, live and lead as a parish and school using the three keys of Spirituality, Social and Service ministry.
The Kingdom
God’s Kingdom is established and present to us here and now; moreover, there is a future dimension to the Kingdom which is not yet. Our sharing in Christ’s work is our participation in God’s kingdom on earth whenever we use the keys in our mission to love, work for justice and peace and enable flourishing for all people.
Keys Theme: Spirituality is Truth, Beauty is Social, Service is Goodness
The gift of spirituality is a truth we discover when we unlock the treasure of God’s presence within us right now. The people we love, all we are, or have ever been or will ever be – all is gift. We are stewards of the beauty of God who gives all as grace to us as social beings. The treasure of God’s presence is found when we make choices for goodness as service founded in faith. The choice to use the Keys to the Kingdom in prayer changes us even when challenging circumstances remain the same.
A Key Gift
Keys to the Kingdom are found within us when we make choices founded in faith. Having keys and using them are not the same experience. This week, after Mass, you will receive a colorful blessed key. Attach this key to your own set of keys as a reminder to use the Keys to the Kingdom in your daily life. The blessed key can help us to be aware of the three turns of our spiritual life.