Mass Time Schedule

St. Philip the Apostle
2014 Rosary Society


St. Philip the Apostle Rosary Society is a spiritual organization whose primary focus is prayer and devotion to the Blessed Mother through the recitation of the Rosary and participation in Mass.

We welcome all women of the parish interested in deepening their faith in Jesus Christ through prayer and meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary. We usually meet once a month for Mass followed by the Rosary and Fellowship in the Auditorium.

For more information, please call Diane VanBlarcom at 973-594-0130 or email


Once again, the White Elephant and Plant Sale held during the 2014 Carnival on June 10 – 14th was a huge success. Similar to prior years, Bartlett’s donated beautiful flowers and Diane created stunning flower baskets. Despite questionable weather, the sales were steady and customers were very happy with their purchases.
Inside the Gym at the White Elephant, it was business as usual. Paul Doviak headed up the team which consisted of Rosarians, parishioners, Confirmation candidates and even non-parishioners who pitched in to help. We were blessed with many donations in various shapes and sizes and the leftovers were donated to the Association for Retarded Citizens in Clifton…


Congratulations to our new 2013-2014 Rosarians! In keeping with our tradition, the new Rosarians were inducted into the Rosary Society at our May meeting. Fr. Kevin performed the ceremony and it was a wonderful opportunity for all of us to renew our promises to the Blessed Mother.

The meeting opened with an audio-visual presentation of the Luminous Mysteries and the pictures helped us to meditate on each bead of the Rosary. After praying the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet, we listened to a recitation of Blessed Mother’s 15 Promises of the Rosary. During Mass, in addition to praying for our deceased Rosarians, we also prayed for Eva Serratelli (Bishop Serratelli’s mother) and Trish Kelly, the sister of one of our Rosarians who was gravely ill.

Following the Rosary and Mass, we had a party celebrating our new inductees with pizza and cake. Welcome!!!


Sunday, May 4, 2014 was the date of our annual Social Tea Party. By all accounts, the Party was a tremendous success. It was wonderful to see so many ladies in their beautiful hats.

Fr. Kevin opened the Tea Party with a prayer of thanks to God and the Blessed Mother. Fr. Joe and Fr. Jared stopped by each table to say hello to everyone. Tickets were sold out by the end of April and there were several other ladies who wanted to be wait-listed.

The Tricky-Tray baskets were beautifully decorated thanks to the artistic talents our own Rosarians. Many ladies brought in pasta, sauce, etc. to make Italian Baskets. Others brought gifts, cosmetics and creams. Each basket was carefully wrapped in cellophane and tied with an assortment of multi-colored ribbons. Arlene Pompeo really worked magic this year with the table and room decorations. The color-scheme was limegreen and the teapot centerpieces accented the matching table settings. Desserts were presented on multi-tiered trays and each of the many luncheon courses were served on separate plates.

The Mysteries of the Rosary

Joyful Mysteries

The Annunciation
The Visitation
The Nativity
The Presentation in the Temple
The Finding in the Temple
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Sorrowful Mysteries

The Agony in the Garden
The Scourging at the Pillar
The Crowning with Thorns
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion
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Glorious Mysteries

The Resurrection
The Ascension
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption of the BVM
The Coronation of the BVM
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Luminous Mysteries

The Baptism of the Lord
The Wedding at Canna
The Proclamation of the Kingdom
The Transfiguration
The Institution of the Eucharist
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