My Dear Parishioners,
This week begins Catholic Schools Week. It is a great privilege for our parish to have a school. St. Philip’s Prep is a place where love and faith grow. Our principal, Danielle Gonzalez, along with a dedicated faculty and staff create an environment that seeks to educate the entire student. Faith is nurtured with First Friday Mass, Stations of the Cross during Lent, the May Crowning and countless other faith-based experiences. Fr. Emerson teaches the 8th grade once a week and I teach the 7th grade. I have found this a most rewarding experience. I know Fr. Emerson feels the same. “To teach is to touch the future,” said Krista McAuliffe; the teacher and astronaut who died in 1986. I could not agree more. The children of today are the vanguard of the future. To succeed in this world, you need a strong foundation of faith, knowledge and integrity. I know that foundation is being built in our students, class by class and year by year.
If you know of a family seeking such an education, please tell them about our school. Our school is a wonderful place to grow in knowledge and love of God and neighbor. We are a nationally recognized Blue Ribbon School. We have the Kaleidoscope program, which is an honors program from 3rd to 8Th grade, a fine arts program, basketball program and opportunities to give back to the community by service and gift of time.
A Catholic education is an investment in the future. Our children are certainly worth that. I was very fortunate to receive an excellent education at St. Patrick School, Smithtown, NY. My education there gave me a strong foundation for a lifetime. St. Philip Prep does the same for our students and graduates. Let our school shine, like a light in Clifton, shining the light of Christ’s love. A Catholic education is a gift that lasts a lifetime. It is an investment that never stops giving.
Fr. Monteleone
Middle School and Intermediate students have completed taking their Mid Term Exams as the end of the 2nd Marking Period comes to an end at the end of the month.
6th graders are working on prayers for our school for Catholic Schools Week. While 3rd graders have been working on the distributive property in Math, finished up a unit on economics in Social Studies, and reading an informative text about animals and how some have unique friendships to help each other.
Our Kindergarteners will be introduced to numbers 11 through 20 for the first time. They will engage in fun activities and exercises to help them understand and recognize these numbers.
A group of 5th graders are working on acts of kindness and service by comprising the SPPS Junior Cleaning Crew. Their mission is to help keep our school clean. What an incredible idea!
We are happy to announce the Middle School Production of Disney’s Little Mermaid Jr. on May 9 and 10, 2025. Auditions and casting begin the week of January 27. The students are very excited.
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